Alas have i not pain enough analysis

Sir Philip Sidney

Rubens. Prometheus Bound, 1610.

Rubens. Prometheus Bound, 1610.

Astrophel and Stella

[AJ Notes:
Gripe, vulture; ME for the gryphon, or griffin.
tire, tear.
him. fire, in Greek mythology, Prometheus, a Titan, stole fire from Zeus
and brought it to mankind. As punishment, he was bound to a rock, and
a vulture was set on him, to tear out his liver and eat it. The liver would
grow back and the process would repeat, forever.
Love, Cupid.
rhubarb words, rhubarb was used as a purgative (laxative); cathartic.
stayed, supported.]

A Sixteenth Century Anthology. Arthur Symons, Ed.
London: Blackie & Son, Ltd., 1905. 147.

to Works of Sir Philip Sidney

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Created by Anniina Jokinen on October 6, 2001. Last updated on June 18, 2010.

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