A Plaintiff’s Perspective in Filing an Amended Complaint

A Plaintiff’s Perspective in Filing an Amended Complaint

A Plaintiff’s Perspective in Filing an Amended Complaint

A civil lawsuit generally has a time limitation in which the injured party must file a lawsuit by or they will forever waive their rights to file a claim. So what can you do if you file a claim in time but realize after the statute of limitations that you failed to include all the claims you wanted in front of the court? Have you waived your right to make these claims or is there a possibility to include these claims after the statute of limitations? If the claims are evolving from the same occurrence and/or are simply amplifying the existing claims, you will likely be able to amend your Compliant to include the omitted allegations. This article identifies the law that will support an amended of the Complaint under these circumstances in a Federal Court.

Standard of Law

The Plaintiff’s Amended Complaint:
Amendments Before Trial.