How to manage dyslexia on the SAT and ACT

Did you know that three million plus students take the SAT and/or ACT (the tests that colleges used for admission) every year? So, how exactly do such stringent tests impact a child who has dyslexia? Tom Rose has counseled many dyslexic students over the years, and here are common links he sees.

The SAT and ACT are both long (4 hrs +), written, and competitive. This creates a unique landscape for students with dyslexia.

So how can a student with dyslexia maximize their performance on the SAT or ACT? Fortunately, affected students can request extra time for taking their tests. Another way they can improve scores is being doing “focused, deliberate practice.” Focus your work on your weakest area and practice it. Calendar use, reading aloud and studying special SAT books for dyslexics can also help.

Like most written exams, the SAT and ACT are heavily dependent on reading. The SAT and the ACT are nearly identical as far as dyslexia issues are concerned, so I’m using them interchangeably. Neither test is more “dyslexia friendly” than the other, so don’t worry about that.

Key Takeaways:

Over 3 million students take the ACT and SAT every year. The SAT nor ACT takes learning struggles into account, such as dyslexia.

Focused, deliberate practice is the best way to learn and study for the ACT and SAT for students with dyslexia.

Read the full article here:

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