Paid Time Off

That the Chicago Board of Education (”Board”) amend Board Report 21-0428-PO2 Paid Time Off Policy. The amendments to the policy include new eligibility to accrue paid sick days for miscellaneous/part-time seasonal employees. The policy was posted for public comment from February 17, 2023 to March 17, 2023.

PURPOSE: This policy provides for the accrual, accumulation, and use of paid vacation days, sick days, personal business days, and Short-Term Disability benefits by eligible employees in alignment with existing programs and practices, Board Rules, and state law.


This policy applies to CPS employees in a job category listed by the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) or designee as benefits eligible, including those employees who are subject to a Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) to the extent this policy does not conflict with the terms of the applicable CBA. This policy does not apply to employees in a job category listed by the CEO or designee as not benefits-eligible which includes, but is not limited to, part-time, substitute, or retiree job categories.

I. Sick Days

Employees are granted sick days for use during the employee’s personal illness or illness in the immediate family or household. For purposes of this policy, (i) "illness" means illness, injury, or medical appointment (including appointments for medical procedures, dental and mental health services, and other physical and mental health therapy appointments), and (ii) “immediate family or household” means the employee’s parent, stepparent, grandparent, child, stepchild, foster child, grandchild, brother, sister, spouse, domestic partner or party to a civil union as defined in Board Rule 4-17, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in- law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, and cousin.

Sick days may also be used in accordance with terms of the Board’s Bereavement Leave (Board Rule 4-14).

Qualifying Event Percentage to be Paid Out
Resignation or retirement with 33.95 or more years of Board service 100%
Resignation or retirement with at least 20 but less than 33.95 years of Board service 90%
Resignation or retirement at age 65 with less than 20 years of Board service 85%
Employee’s Death 100%

II. Short Term Disability Benefits

In the event an employee is unable to work due to the employee’s non-occupational injury, sickness or pregnancy the employee may apply for a Short- Term Disability (“STD”) benefit. Under the STD plan, an employee may continue to receive a full or partial salary for up to 90 calendar days in a rolling 12-month period. An employee’s eligibility for STD benefits is subject to the applicable conditions and prerequisites specified in the STD plan issued by the CEO or designee including those related to the use of sick days, filings under the Family and Medical Leave Act, physician documentation and coverage exclusions. For new employees, STD eligibility begins on the first calendar day of the month following a 60 calendar day waiting period that begins on the date of hire.

III. Personal Business Days

Employees are granted an allotment of three (3) personal business days (“Personal Day(s)”) annually during the first payroll period of the fiscal year in July. New employees are granted three (3) Personal Business Days prorated according to their date of hire as follows: those beginning employment between July 1 and September 30, three (3) days; those beginning employment between October 1 and March 31, two (2) days; those beginning employment between April 1 and May 31, one (1) day; and, those beginning employment between June 1 and June 30, zero (0) days. New employees will receive their allotment of Personal Business Days following a 60 calendar day waiting period that begins on the date of hire. Employees forfeit the Personal Business Days that are not used within the same fiscal year the Personal Business Days are granted.

IV. Vacations Days

Years of Service Accrual Rate Maximum Accrual
For service up to and including ten (10) years .0577 days per day paid, not to exceed three (3) weeks or fifteen (15) days per year 25 days
For service eleven to twenty (20) years inclusive .077 days per day paid, not to exceed four (4) weeks or twenty (20) days per year 30 days
For service for twenty-one (21) or more years .097 days per day paid, not to exceed five (5) weeks or twenty-five (25) days per year 35 days
  1. Military Service Employees who have returned from military service and who resume work with the Chicago Public Schools within sixty (60) days after a discharge other than dishonorable are considered as having been continuously in the service of the Chicago Public Schools during the period of such leave. The employee will not earn vacation days during the period of the employee’s military leave of absence.
  2. Outside Public Agency Service Effective July 1, 2012, service credit adjustments shall not be made for new employees who were previously employed by the City of Chicago, Chicago Housing Authority, Chicago Park District, County of Cook, Forest Preserve District, Metropolitan Pier and Expositions Authority, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, School Finance Authority, Chicago Transit Authority, City Colleges of Chicago or the State of Illinois. Any service credit adjustment for prior employment with the above-noted agencies authorized for an employee prior to July 1, 2012 in accordance with the rules and policies then in effect will be maintained until the employee separates from employment. Employees with previously-approved service credit adjustments who are laid off or who resign and return to service within one year of separation will have a restoration of their prior service credit adjustment.
  3. Prior Board Service Employees who are laid off or who resign and return to Board employment within one year of separation will have a restoration of their prior Board years of service for vacation accrual purposes.
Supplemental Benefit Day Exhaustion for Short-Term Disability Standalone Supplemental Benefit Day Exhaustion for Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
1. SCK - Sick 1. SCK - Sick
2. SCU - CTU Sick 2. SCU - CTU Sick
3. SCS - SEIU Sick 3. SCS - SEIU Sick
4. SCG - Grandfather Sick 4. SCG - Grandfather Sick
5. OAS - Other Agency Sick 5. OAS - Other Agency Sick
6. VAC - Vacation 6. PBD - Personal Business Day
7. SKD - Donated Sick 7. VAC - Vacation
8. SKD - Donated Sick

Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 2/17/23 – 3/17/23.
Pursuant to Board Rule 2-6 this Policy was subject to Public Comment from 2/22/21 – 3/23/21.