AUTOMATIC BUS FARE COLLECTION SYSTEM USING GPS and RFID TECHNOLOGY 1Karthika J, 2Varshanapriyaa S, 2Sai Haran S, 2Suriyaprakash

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 118 No. 20 2018, 1119-1124 ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version) url: Special Issue AUTOMATIC BUS FARE COLLECTION SYSTEM USING GPS AND RFID TECHNOLOGY 1Karthika J, 2Varshanapriyaa S, 2Sai Haran S, 2SuriyaPrakash C 1Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu 2UG Student, Department of EEE, Sri Krishna College of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu Abstract: Nowadays the public transportation system tuned through a particle swarm optimization algorithm like the metro are well advanced. Passenger safety, [2]. convenience and the need to improve the performance Another alternative approach to GPS is the use of of existing public transportation is driving demand for PTN operator with positioning sensors to give on-trip intelligent transportation system in the market. The personalized navigation information [4]. Here unknown paper based ticket system for collecting the bus fare has destination location for infrequent users can be found been found to be a source of major financial loss in using positioning sensors. This proves to be a India. It is difficult to assure the purchase of ticket by motivational driving factor for the public to prefer it each and every passenger. A paper ticket becomes over other modes of transportation. Mobile ticketing useless to the passengers when the destination is model comprises of a registered mobile subscription reached.Even the count of many unsold tickets per day either prepaid or post- paid [5]. By scanning mobile is very high. In the era of technology, India must focus phone number at the entrance or exit of the vehicle the on inculcating an automated system for collecting bus traveller identity is known then according to the fare. Hence, this paper proposes an automated card distance travelled by the passenger the amount is driven system using RFID and GPS for bus journeys in reduced from the balance in the mobile. The affecting India. Different scenarios concerning the factor of this system is the use of smart phone. People implementation of this system are discussed in this with normal phone cannot use this technology. paper. 2. Existing System Key Terms: RFID, GPS, Public transport, Bus Fare. In general way, every bus is controlled by a conductor. 1. Introduction The conductor will collect money from each passenger and issue ticket. Initially, printed papers or tokens are Today, everything in the world is smart and digitalized. used as tickets. Nowadays, handheld machines are used Many advances have been made in the transportation to print tickets. This system has many disadvantages. sector too. However, public transport buses in India The passenger have to carry the ticket till the reaching have always been an area where such new advances their stopping, the conductor should ensure that have turned their faces out. Work Intelligent vehicle for everyone has got the ticket, the time taken for ticketing public transport is one of the research areas. Here is comparatively more and more amount of paper is global positioning system plays an important role to needed to print the Ticket. For example, if a passenger find positions. In certain urban areas there may be some wish to travel in bus. He has to carry money with them. errors to find the location so an alternative approach is Then conductor will collect the money and he will give visual odometry [1]. ticket. This has to repeat for all passengers. This will Where vision based algorithms are proven to track take more time and waste of human resource as well as the position of the vehicle over a long distance using energy. The data relate to an AFC system integrated sequence of images without prior knowledge about the with an automatic vehicle location system that records environment. But the results have some disadvantages a transaction for each passenger boarding a bus, in alternate weather conditions so GPS holds best when containing attributes regarding the route, the vehicle, compared to others. Control strategies based on expert and the travel card used, along with the time and the rules and fuzzy logic are used to control the departure location where the journey began. Some of these are time, interval between two vehicles and delay occurred recorded for the purpose of allowing on board ticket due to traffic. The parameters of fuzzy controllers were inspection but additionally enable innovative spatial validation features introduced by the methodology. 1119 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue 3. Proposed Methodology convenience and greater life standards as compared to the conventional bus systems. The study brings out The proposed methodology introduces a Contactless improved solution in terms of cost, convenience, user Fare Media Technology (CFMT) and an Automated satisfaction and future implementation. Fare Collection System (AFCS) to bring up the public transportation bus system in India to the world standard along with novel features. The prevailing ticketing system had many malfunction, malicious argument among public and corruption. It also aims to reduce fare-related fraud and revenue loss through open standard, secured transaction technology. In this paper “GPS based automatic bus fare collecting system using electronic Ticket” explained that a system that uses the same RFID-based location information give the navigation indications depending on his current location; provided that the user has indicated beforehand the places he intends to visit. Collected data can be used to predict bus moment timing in order to provide better service. By using smart card instead of RFID with GPS, we can find the location of the passenger enter and exit. Using the location we can find the distance travelled and amount. The amount can be withdrawn from the smart card. A microcontroller can be used to program this system by interfacing GPS and smart card. By implementing this system the usage of loose cash can be reduced and efficient ticketing can be implemented. The objective of this paper is to count the passenger using IR sensor and calculating the distance travelled by passenger automatically using motor and u-slot sensor, and the corresponding amount is debited from RFID card. When passenger crosses the signals received will be interrupted and fare collection is done automatically. Here RFID tag is rechargeable one, where as it can be recharged in bus depot or nearest retail shop. A. The Internet of Things in Automatic Fare Collection An Automatic Fare Collection System (AFC) is one of basic station equipment that consists of automatic gate machine, a ticket vending machine and the ticket checking machine. In this application, a stable and integrated platforms are necessarily to keep passenger flow run smoothly at an a peak hours; at the same time, all data will be gathered and transmitted into server. B. RFID Based Automatic Bus Ticketing Figure 1. Flow Diagram In Recent advancements in various technologies have made remarkable developments in various fields for GPS is the latest technology used in various fields such public welfare and public transport is one such area [6] as navigation, tracking and also in some of surveillance - [9]. In near a future public transport bus system with applications. Here we are going to use this GPS to advanced technologies like Radio Frequency calculate the distance travelled by the passenger. GPS Identification Device (RFID), and RF modules will module can configured to generate the latitude and gain spotlight due to their advantage of higher longitude of the current position of the bus. 1120 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue The position of the bus can be monitored There are a number of reasons why Wi-Fi might continuously using this GPS module.The flowchart be the real pick. shown in fig.1.clearly represents the calculation and 1. Wi-Fi technology is economical. detection of fare system. Smart cards can provide 2. Users compatibleness is considered and given more identification, authentication, data storage and preference application processing.These smart cards can be used as passenger identifications. Every passenger carries a smart card. The smart card has the information such as user identification number, available balance and status register. These smart cards should be capable of recharging, so that the passenger can use it again and again. Combining GPS technology and smart cards we can design a complete bus ticketing system. Ticketing system without human resource-Conductor is implemented using RFID tag which is rechargeable one. 4. Hardware& Software Tools A. Microcontroller: Arduino is an open source, computer hardware and Software Company and a user community that designs and manufactures microcontroller kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world. It consists of a physical Figure 2. Block Diagram programmable circuit board and an integrated development environment which is run on the computer Fig.2 shows the block diagram of the proposed and is used to write and upload computer code to the system. RFID has been an emerging technology in physical board. In this project, Arduino is used for recent years. RFID consists of two components,RFID interacting with the GPS and the GSM module. Tag and RFID Reader. RFID Tag contains information B. RFID reader: A RFID reader is a device which is such as name, address and mobile number. RFID reader used to interrogate an RFID tag. It reads the unique reads the above information’s from the RFID Tag. IR number from the RFID cards and sends it to the sensor is used to count the number of persons entering microcontroller. into the bus. Internet of Things define the concept of C. RFID card: This is one of the most important part network devices to sense and collect data from the of the project.

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